Centre Locations



The Libin Family Foundation CNIB SmartLife Centre - Calgary

Address : 10–11a Street NE
Phone : 403-472-2193

Monday to Friday:  9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Address: 10111 112 St NW

The Edmonton CNIB SmartLife Centre is open by appointment only please call Gunjan Arora -780 884-8106

British Columbia


Address: #106-460 Doyle Avenue

Tuesday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 

Please call ahead to enquire about appointment time slots.


The Nanji Family Foundation CNIB SmartLife Centre - Vancouver
Address: Suite 201B - 610 6th St, New Westminster
Phone: 236-333-5792

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am- 3:00 pm

Please call to book an in-person appointment on Fridays 


Address: 1675 Douglas Street, #102
Phone: 250-415-8164

Monday to Friday:  9:00 am - 4:00 pm



Address: 1080 Portage Ave.

Phone: 204-789-0948

Monday to Friday:  10:00 am - 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

New Brunswick


Location Permanently Closed.

CNIB Smartlife items can still be purchased online at CNIBSmartLife.ca. Items purchased online will be directly shipped to you.


St. John’s
Address: 70 The Blvd
Phone: 709-754-1180 (ext. 5806)

Monday to Thursday:  9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Exceptions can be made on an appointment basis.  Please call ahead to enquire about appointment time slots.

Nova Scotia


Address: 6136 Almon St.
Phone: Please call 902-401-4850 for enquiries.

Monday to Thursday:  10:00 am - 3:30 pm

 Due to on-going nearby construction, calling ahead is encouraged.



The Nanji Family Foundation CNIB SmartLife Centre - Barrie

Monday to Friday:  10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Address: 90 Collier Street, unit 5

Phone:  (705) 728-3352 - Ext. 6639

 Hours:  Monday to Friday  10:00 am – 4:00 pm

For technology assistance, appointments are recommended

 Please note:  Only debit and credit accepted at this location


*The London SmartLife Centre is by appointment only.  Please call Genna 519-852-4951.

For any SmartLife enquiries please call:  1-866-659-1843.*

Address: Unit 101, 171 Queens Ave. (Entrance is on Richmond St via our accessible ramp)


The Nanji Family CNIB SmartLife Centre - Ottawa

Address: 425 Marché Way, Unit 104 Lansdown Park
Phone: 613-563-4021 ext. 5055
E-mail:  marwan.nahal@cnib.ca

Monday:  9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Tuesday: By Appointment Only

Wednesday:  9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Thursday: By Appointment Only

Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Address: 1545 Regent Street, Unit 104
Phone: 705-675-2468

*The Sudbury SmartLife Centre is temporarily closed.  For any SmartLife enquiries please call:  1-866-659-1843.*

Thunder Bay

Address: 229 Camelot St.

Tuesday - Thursday:  10:00 am - 4:00 pm


The Nanji Family Foundation CNIB SmartLife Centre - Toronto
Address: 1929 Bayview Ave.
Phone: 416-486-2500 (ext. 8242)

Monday - Friday:  9:00 am - 4:00 pm 

Prince Edward Island

Address: 342 Grafton St., Suite 201
Phone: Please call Heidi to book an appointment 782-377-1386

Monday - Friday:  By Appointment Only



ATTENTION - This SmartLife location is closed temporarily. For any SmartLife enquiries please call:  1-866-659-1843

Address: 2085 Rue Parthenais
E-mail:  mieux-vivre@inca.ca


Address: 1149 8th Street East
Phone: 306-374-4545 (ext.6211)

Monday - Thursday:  8:30 am Noon, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Friday:  Closed


Address: 2160 Broad St.
Phone: 306-525-2571 (ext. 6400)

Monday - Thursday:  8:30 am Noon, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Friday:  Closed